Dromara CC AGM
Date(s) - 18/11/2016
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Primrose Bar
Opportunity to hear what the club has been doing all year and what the plan is for next year. Also you get the opportunity to put yourself forward for a role.
- Chairperson of monthly committee meetings and AGM
- General oversight of all club activities and planning
Vice Chairperson
- Attend most, if not all committee meetings
- Fill in for chairperson when absent
- No specific assigned tasks – Assists other committee members as when required (e.g. major event planning).
- Attend all committee meetings if possible
- Handle all incoming and outgoing correspondence
- Manage club interaction with CI and CU (events, membership, etc)
- Adminstration of club membership (now handled mainly by CI direct)
- Other admin duties (event notifications, insurances, etc)
Governance Officer
- Attend at least every other committee meeting
- Develop and maintain club’s formal structures
- Written procedures
- Risk assessments for events
- Key role in disciplinary matters or complaints
IT/Website Officer
- Attend at least every other committee meeting
- Design and maintain website
- Set up and operate online event entry systems
- Manage social media accounts
P.R Officer
- Attend 2-3 committee meetings per year
- Write regular reports on club activities & events (past and upcoming)
- Take photos and collect photos from members and other sources
- Publish on club website and social media
- Submit reports and photos to local media (print, radio & TV)
Branding Officer
- Attend 2-3 committee meetings per year
- Manage all aspects of club branding
- Clothing
- Web graphics
- Posters and flyers
- Signage
Road league Officer
- Attend most committee meetings
- General responsibility for club road league
- Produces TT&race calendar at start of season
- Oversees allocation of jobs related to club
Off Road Representative
- Attend most committee meetings
- General responsibility for tasks relating to off-road cycling
- Manages off-road club league
- Assists with
- Organise MTB away day at end of season
- Manage annual leisure budget
Leisure Representative
- Attend most committee meetings
- Someone who partakes in weekly leisure rides
- First point of contact for “newbies”
- Oversee and manage weekly leisure rides
- Super Sundays and away days
- Manage annual leisure budget
Road Racing representative
- Attend committee meetings when possible during race season
- Someone who takes part in open road racing
- Agree list of “supported” events for incoming year
- Assist with selection of riders for team events
- Assist club league secretary with road racing (handicaps, groups, etc)
- Manage annual road racing budget
Womens’ Representative
- Attend most committee meetings (flexible)
- Oversee women’s interests across all cycling disciplines
- Work with other committee members as required
- Manage annual women’s budget
Safeguarding Officer
- Attend 2-3 committee meetings per year
- Oversee club safeguarding policies and procedures
- Maintain lists of Access NI cleared and safeguard trained members.
- HaAssist with any safeguarding related enquiries
Development Officer
- Attend committee meetings where possible
- Responsible for encouraging development of members abilities through training and coaching
- Particular emphasis on youth development; managing the clubs youth coaching scheme